Inspira Teatre has worked for more than twelve years with its shows and it is a joy to see how the company is evolving. Year after year and day after day we face new challenges that make us grow, sometimes going through failures and sometimes enjoying the successes.

This 2023 has been a real pleasure because it has paid off.

We presented our SOTABOSC show at the main early childhood performing arts fairs in Catalonia and Spain and the result could not have been more satisfactory. We obtained the following acknowledgments:





The commitment and passion with which we work on our shows has meant that audiences and critics have had such special words for Sotabosc as the following:

"...It's a music that is built up with different musical phrases that evoke a certain festive ritual dance. With spring, new leaves will emerge from the branches on these deciduous trees. And they will cover in greens, blues and yellows the Nature. Beautiful, magnetic, vibrant." Jordi Bordes from

"Laia Piró, Neus Umbert and Esther Westermeyer sign a choral and fine-tuned interpretation, in the musical and choreographic universe. The closeness with the audience and the measured interaction are one of the successes of the proposal, friendly and without lessons... . this SOTABOSC are examples of how, to enter a new world, you don't need words, only imagination. And look at the world with small shoes and big eyes." Martí Rossell Pelfort from Nova Veu

2023 has also given us the opportunity to be part of PLATEA, which is the State Program for the Circulation of Performing Arts Shows in Local Entities' Spaces, organized by the INAEM in collaboration with the FEMP (Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces).

Within this program during this year we performed at the Teatro Circo de Murcia and in Moralzarzal, a town in the Community of Madrid.

We also don't want to forget our participation in the KUK Festival in Prague with our show "KL'AA", where we enjoyed a devoted audience in the 4 functions we performed on October 10.

We were lucky to be part of the BABEL European project (or the art of Listening in TYA) thanks to the proposal offered to us by El Petit (International Festival of Arts for early childhood) a truly enriching, revealing and inspiring experience. We have been able to see the great power of the performing arts and it has given us tools and a lot of motivation to continue creating in this direction.

Finally, this year has also been productive because from Fundació La Caixa we have created a workshop for boys and girls in the children's cycle: Piupiulà and the Forest Orchestra (written by Esther Westermeyer, music by Viv Manning and projection by Xavier and Jan Erra). At the moment, the city's schools have already been able to participate in the Caixafòrum de Lleida and it has been a success of participation. So very happy to have been able to make this production and that it is working so well.

We have also had new additions that bring wealth to the Inspira Teatre team, such as Desirée Povedano in the production and Maria Casellas as a cover of Neus Umbert a Sotabosc.

And for next year we will keep you well informed because we assure you that there will be many surprises and news!

Thank you for everything experienced this 2023 and to all the people who have accompanied us. Looking forward to discovering in 2024!! See you in the theaters!!


We are pleased to inform you that last October 15, Inspira Teatre was in Mallorca, at the FIET (Children's and Youth Theater Fair of the Balearic Islands).

We performed "KL'AA, your song" in Vilafranca de Bonany, in front of children from many Balearic towns. The sound and visual atmosphere of the show enveloped children and families and we created 4 unique songs for everyone through the xyloba , an instrument with great musical and construction possibilities.

We thank the organization for counting on us and look forward to returning soon.

On the 28th and 29th of August, "K'LAA, Your Song" was performed as part of the New Cultura Festival, which was celebrating its 30th edition in the Netherlands, in the city of Heerlen. The reception was very emotional and the room was full of curious boys and girls. One of the surprises was to see how they understood us, while we sang the only song in the show that has text translated into Dutch;)

It was the first performance outside Spain, and we don't want it to be the only one. The company has debuted in internationalization with this show and the intention is to make it travel to other countries. We want the visibility of our shows to grow and for us to be able to broadcast this play and others from Inspira Teatre.

We are pleased to announce that the show "K'LAA, your song" has been nominated for the XXIV 2021 edition of the Max Performing Arts Awards, in the category Best show for children, young people or audiences familiar.

The Organizing Committee of the Max Performing Arts Awards announced through this statement the candidates in the 20 categories in the competition for the XXIV edition of these awards organized by the SGAE, through the SGAE Foundation, whose purpose is to stimulate and reward the talent of theater and dance professionals in our country, in addition to the promotion of the shows of the season.

A total of 191 shows out of the 439 accepted in the competition have been selected to participate as candidates in the XXIV edition of the Max Awards for the Performing Arts, as decided in this first phase by the three territorial juries (Madrid, Catalonia and Communities) appointed by the Organizing Committee.

The Max Performing Arts Awards were created in 1998 by the General Society of Authors and Publishers, with the aim of rewarding and recognizing the work of professionals and the quality of the most outstanding productions of the year in the field of the Performing Arts.

During these twenty years, the itinerant nature and the choice of emblematic spaces for the Max Awards Gala represent one of the signs of its indisputable uniqueness. Thus, every year, these awards travel with their festive and spectacular luggage from one autonomous community to another as a metaphor for the tours of theater and dance companies, turning the performing arts into a living and active art in our country. country, and a very important reference of our cultural wealth.




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Inspira Teatre  - 646 579 048
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